Arizona's 1st Congressional District
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Recent News About Arizona's 1st Congressional District
Schweikert, McCarthy Lead Roundtable Bringing Awareness to Growing Threat of Valley Fever
Yesterday, Congressman David Schweikert (AZ-01) and Speaker Kevin McCarthy (CA-20), co-chairmen of the Congressional Valley Fever Task Force, led a roundtable discussion with former NFL superstar Rob Gronkowski and representatives from Anivive Lifesciences at the U.S. Capitol to raise awareness about the debilitating impacts of Valley Fever on both humans and pets as well as the urgency to develop a cure to eradicate the disease for good.
Schweikert, Smith Seek Public Input on Tax-Exempt Organizations: Potential Violations of Rules on Political Activities, Inappropriate Use of Charitable Funds, & Rise in Foreign Sources of Funding
The Committee on Ways and Means is conducting an examination into whether entities that qualify as tax-exempt under Section 501 of the U.S. Code are abiding by the statutory and regulatory prohibitions against certain activities and whether foreign sources of funding are being funneled through such organizations to influence America’s elections.
Schweikert Statement on Fitch Downgrading the U.S. Credit Rating
August 1, U.S. Representative David Schweikert (AZ-01) released the following statement after Fitch Ratings downgraded the U.S. credit rating from “AAA” to “AA+”:
Schweikert, Smith Demand Key Document from IRS on Destruction of 30 Million Tax Records
On July 25, U.S. Representative David Schweikert (AZ-01) and Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) sent a letter to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner Daniel Werfel demanding the agency provide a copy of a memorandum detailing the recommendation to destroy 30 million unprocessed, paper-filed information tax returns in March 2021 and answer questions that the agency willfully ignored from Republicans last year.
Schweikert: Even the Left Is Starting to Realize That U.S. National Debt Is Out of Control
On July 20, U.S. Representative David Schweikert (AZ-01) delivered a speech on the House Floor to explain how national debt numbers have exploded to the point where Americans should also be concerned about their own retirement savings on top of saddling future generations with crushing debt. Rep. Schweikert noted that federal trust funds will dry up within the next decade if borrowing costs continue to exponentially rise.
Schweikert Op-Ed: Let’s Help U.S. Entrepreneurs and Families by Increasing Form 1099’s Reporting Threshold
U.S. Representative David Schweikert (AZ-01) yesterday authored an op-ed for the Phoenix Business Journal promoting the Small Business Paperwork Savings Act, legislation he introduced last month to increase the Form 1099 reporting requirement threshold to account for cost-of-living adjustments since 1954, when the $600 threshold was first established in the Internal Revenue Code. Rep. Schweikert’s legislation was included in the House Ways and Means Committee’s signature economic package which passed out of Committee in mid-June and awaits a full vote by the House.
Schweikert Tells the Truth About Democrats’ Empty Tax Proposals
Last night, U.S. Representative David Schweikert (AZ-01) delivered a speech on the House Floor to explain how Congressional Democrats’ tax proposals fall well short of achieving a balanced federal budget over the next decade.
Schweikert on U.S. Sovereign Debt Projections: The Wheels Are Falling Off
Last night, U.S. Representative David Schweikert (AZ-01) delivered a speech on the House Floor to talk about how Americans are poorer today than they were the day President Biden took office over two years ago. Rep. Schweikert also pointed out that workers and savers are hurt most by historic inflation levels.
Schweikert Introduces Legislation to Increase Form 1099 Reporting Threshold, Account for Inflation Adjustments
On June9, U.S. Representative David Schweikert (AZ-01) introduced the Small Business Paperwork Savings Act, legislation to increase the Form 1099 reporting requirement threshold from $600 to $5,000 to account for cost-of-living adjustments since 1954, when the $600 threshold was first established in the Internal Revenue Code.
Schweikert Statement on the Fiscal Responsibility Act
On May 31, U.S. Representative David Schweikert (AZ-01) released the following statement upon House passage of H.R. 3746, the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023:
Schweikert Explains Consequences of a “Clean” Debt Ceiling Increase
Last night, U.S. Representative David Schweikert (AZ-01) delivered a speech on the House Floor to discuss the consequences that would reverberate throughout the U.S. economy if the U.S. credit rating received a downgrade because of a so-called clean debt ceiling increase.
Schweikert: The United States Will Never Default on Its Debt
Last night, U.S. Representative David Schweikert (AZ-01) delivered a speech on the House Floor to reaffirm that the United States will never default on its debt even as debt ceiling negotiations continue between the White House and Congress.
Schweikert, Beyer Introduce Legislation to Modernize ITC, Protect American Industry, Workers, and Consumers From Patent Trolls
On May 17, U.S. Representatives David Schweikert (AZ-01) and Don Beyer (VA-08) introduced the Advancing America’s Interests Act, legislation that will help prevent the International Trade Commission (ITC) from being misused by patent-licensing entities.
Schweikert Op-Ed: Simply Raising the Debt Ceiling Won’t Solve Our Nation’s Fiscal Challenges
On May 16, U.S. Representative David Schweikert (AZ-01) authored an op-ed for asserting that the United States cannot afford to simply raise the debt ceiling without exercising fiscal restraint and communicating to world debt markets that the country has a plan to manage its debt.
Schweikert: Democrats Need to Work With Republicans to Exercise Fiscal Constraint, Responsibly Raise Debt Ceiling
U.S. Representative David Schweikert (AZ-01) delivered a speech on the House Floor last night to call out Democrats’ hypocrisy for refusing to seriously negotiate with House Republicans on the debt ceiling despite demanding billions in spending in exchange for lifting the borrowing cap in 2017 and 2019. Rep. Schweikert noted that Republicans have exercised fiscal constraint and urged Democrats to work across the aisle to save the country from the brink of default.
Schweikert: Immediate R&D Expensing Will Increase Productivity, Grow the Size of the U.S. Economy
U.S. Representative David Schweikert (AZ-01) delivered a speech on the House Floor last night in which he underscored the devastating economic impacts of policies enacted in the last two years when Democrats controlled the House, Senate, and White House. Rep. Schweikert also discussed the need to embrace immediate R&D expensing to increase productivity and ultimately grow the size of the economy.
Schweikert Named Vice Chair of Joint Economic Committee
On April 26, U.S. Representative David Schweikert (AZ-01) released the following statement after being named Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee for the 118th Congress:
Schweikert, Smith: Americans Will Struggle to Afford Accounting and Paperwork Prep Needed to Comply with Democrats’ New IRS Reporting Scheme
U.S. Representative David Schweikert (AZ-01) joined Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) in sending a letter to the Government Accountability Office recently regarding their concerns that the IRS may be unprepared to implement Democrats’ new invasive scheme to track Americans’ personal online financial transactions.