City of El Mirage
Recent News About City of El Mirage
76.3% of Maricopa County residents old enough to vote in 2021
Of the 4,367,186 citizens living in Maricopa County in 2021, 76.3% were old enough to vote, equating to 3,330,206 individuals, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained on Oct. 26.
11.8 percent of public employees at Maricopa County made between $75,000-$100,000 in 2018
11.8 percent of public employees at Maricopa County made between $75,000-$100,000 in 2018, according to data compiled by The Arizona Republic.
29.2 percent of public employees at Maricopa County made between $50,000-$75,000 in 2018
29.2 percent of public employees at Maricopa County made between $50,000-$75,000 in 2018, according to data compiled by The Arizona Republic.
46.2 percent of public employees at Maricopa County made between $25,000-$50,000 in 2018
46.2 percent of public employees at Maricopa County made between $25,000-$50,000 in 2018, according to data compiled by The Arizona Republic.
6.25 percent of public employees at Maricopa County made more than $100,000 in 2018
6.25 percent of public employees at Maricopa County made more than $100,000 in 2018, according to data compiled by The Arizona Republic.
Maricopa County ranked 19th among counties in highest exporting metros
Maricopa County ranked 19th in trade with $14.91 billion in exports in 2019, according to the International Trade Administration (ITA).
Maricopa County COVID-19 Update: 99.78% of infected residents still alive
Of the 4,361,108 Maricopa County residents estimated to have caught COVID-19 as of April 13, 9,739 (0.22 percent) have died.
Maricopa County COVID-19 Update: 99.8% of infected residents still alive
Of the 4,344,536 Maricopa County residents estimated to have caught COVID-19 as of February 16, 8,505 (0.2 percent) have died.
Maricopa County COVID-19 Update: 99.81% of infected residents still alive
Of the 4,322,440 Maricopa County residents estimated to have caught COVID-19 as of February 10, 8,209 (0.19 percent) have died.
Census Bureau: 7.1% of people in Maricopa County identified as multi-racial in 2020
Of the 4,412,779 citizens living in Maricopa County in 2020, 92.9 percent said they were only one race, while 7.1 percent said they were two or more races, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained in March.
Census Bureau: 76.2 percent of people in Maricopa County were old enough to vote in 2020
Of the 4,412,779 citizens living in Maricopa County in 2020, 3,361,761 were old enough to vote as of March 24, according to U.S. Census Bureau data.
Maricopa County COVID-19 Update: 99.82% of infected residents still alive
Of the 4,292,979 Maricopa County residents estimated to have caught COVID-19 as of February 2, 7,559 (0.18 percent) have died.
Maricopa County COVID-19 Update: 99.83% of infected residents still alive
Of the 4,253,697 Maricopa County residents estimated to have caught COVID-19 as of January 27, 7,174 (0.17 percent) have died.
Maricopa County COVID-19 Update: 99.85% of infected residents still alive
Of the 4,201,321 Maricopa County residents estimated to have caught COVID-19 as of January 19, 6,443 (0.15 percent) have died.
Maricopa County COVID-19 Update: 99.85% of infected residents still alive
Of the 4,131,487 Maricopa County residents estimated to have caught COVID-19 as of January 12, 6,012 (0.15 percent) have died.
263 businesses in Maricopa County had more than 500 employees in 2019
There were 263 businesses in Maricopa County with more than 500 employees in 2019, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
517 businesses in Maricopa County had between 250 and 499 employees in 2019
There were 517 businesses in Maricopa County with between 250 and 499 employees in 2019, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
Maricopa County COVID-19 Update: 99.87% of infected residents still alive
Of the 4,038,375 Maricopa County residents estimated to have caught COVID-19 as of January 5, 5,346 (0.13 percent) have died.
2,079 businesses in Maricopa County had between 100 and 249 employees in 2019
There were 2,079 businesses in Maricopa County with between 100 and 249 employees in 2019, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
3,410 businesses in Maricopa County had between 50 and 99 employees in 2019
There were 3,410 businesses in Maricopa County with between 50 and 99 employees in 2019, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.