Navajo County has approved its 2021 provisional budget. | Pixabay
Navajo County has approved its 2021 provisional budget. | Pixabay
During the regular board meeting on July 7, the Navajo County Board of Supervisors approved the 2021 Provisional Budget.
The approved budget targets the county’s ability to sustain crucial services. Officials say the budget will help the county continue responding to public health emergencies without increasing property taxes.
Jason Whiting, Board of Supervisors chairman, commented on the new 2021 budget.
“The county’s deliberate focus on lean government and building responsible financial reserves is key to confronting an uncertain economy,” Whiting said, according to the Navajo County website. “Combined with CARES Act funding, the county has the financial and organizational infrastructure in place to provide services and scale up emergency response as needed by our communities.”
Officials reveal that the 2021 General Fund Budget is $47,817,409. The 2021 budget amount is higher than the budget set aside for the 2020 General Fund Budget, which was $42,953,712.
The increase, however, is centered around the CARES Act funding. Officials also said that "careful spending" had a hand in the increase as well.