David Schweikert U.S. House of Representatives from Arizona | Official U.S. House Headshot
David Schweikert U.S. House of Representatives from Arizona | Official U.S. House Headshot
WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Representative David Schweikert (AZ-01) delivered a speech on the House Floor this week to highlight significant downward revisions of economic data, suggesting that the U.S. economy is not as robust as initially projected by experts. U.S. Representatives Chip Roy (TX-21) and Scott Perry (PA-10) inquired about growing Medicare costs during Fiscal Year 2024 and received an overview of Rep. Schweikert’s vision for reducing healthcare costs. Rep. Schweikert also addressed concerns about the nation’s declining fertility rate and the implications of financing unhealthy lifestyles, while advocating for innovative technologies to address national debt.
Excerpts from Rep. Schweikert’s floor speech are provided below:
On downward revisions being overlooked:
“This is what the Democrats did: they had the arrogance of deciding who would get the money [through] their Inflation Reduction Act — the most Orwellian-named bill in modern history — to even things like the CHIPS Act... What happens to that debt and deficit when we roll over economically? What would happen if we hit even a short-term recession? This is one of the other great frauds around here... In my time here, I have never seen revisions in the economic data like we’ve been seeing [these] last several months.”
On policies incentivizing unhealthy living:
“It’s more than just the disability payments that are part of social security/Supplemental Security Income... We’re dying. And then we have this other issue; we are not having children... There is something incredibly immoral happening, and I would say it’s our own policies.”
On reducing healthcare costs through innovation:
“I would argue that Congress has become substantially a protection racket... There is a revolution of technology around us where we can make our life so much easier... That means they have to change their business models. The bureaucracies have to actually be, in many ways, replaced with technology.”
Congressman David Schweikert serves on the House Ways and Means Committee and is currently Chairman of its Oversight Subcommittee. He also holds positions as Vice Chairman on the bicameral Joint Economic Committee, chairs the Congressional Valley Fever Task Force, and co-chairs multiple caucuses including Blockchain Caucus, Telehealth Caucus, Singapore Caucus, and Access to Capital and Credit Caucus.