The City of Winslow has one vacancy on the Agriculture Commission.
The Agriculture Commission meets on the third Wednesday of every month at 4:30 p.m. The commission is designed to promote and encourage development of agriculture within the City of Winslow, develop plans for food stability in the community, examine policies within the city to support agriculture and identify and inform city representatives of relevant grant opportunities. Applicants shall have experience in at least one of the following areas: 1) farming; 2) ranching; 3) home gardening; 4) hydro- or aqua-ponics; 5) compost or soil building; 6) dairy; 7) poultry/eggs; 8) pest management; 9) nursery or greenhouse; 10) 4-H; 11) FFA; and 12) water conservation.
If you are interested serving on this commission, applications can be submitted via the city's website ( by clicking on the Government link at the top of the page. The Boards & Commissions application link is located on the left of the page. A resume may also be included with your application. For more information, please contact the City 289-1416. APPLICANTS MUST LIVE WITHIN A 10 MILE RADIUS OF THE CITY'S BOUNDARIES.
Original source can be found here.